Sunday, February 13, 2011

HO2 Home Insurance Insurance

The HO2 Policy is considered a broad form policy, it includes the 11 perils that are listed in the HO1 basic policy and also includes the additional listed perils; they are as follows, Falling Objects, which will come in very handy, if something falls from the sky, whether it's a meteorite the size of an acorn, hail the size of a train, or something off an aircraft, say a wing, propeller, wheel, or even luggage.  In addition it insures private structures in connection with the dwelling, unscheduled personal property on or away from the premises as well as loss of use. Personal liability  coverage and medical payments to others are also included.  What this means is that if a visitor to you home happens to b slip and falls and breaks their leg, it will serve to make the medical payments for an injury that was caused.
 The weight of snow can vary greatly; if you have a light fluffy and powdery snow and get a foot, it may only weigh the equivalent of 5.2 lbs a square foot; have a 1000 square foot roof, that's an additional 2.5 tons of weight on the house.  Get a wet snow and it is only five inches deep, it could weigh twelve and a half pounds per foot cubed; on the same roof that is over six tons of snow; that's the equivalent of 3 average size cars sitting on your roof; collapse could result from it. Were you a part of snowmageddon in 2011? If so, you may have had an inordinate amount of snow or ice which can cause or did cause catastrophic damage to your roof to the point of collapse; don't worry, if you have an HO2 form for home insurance insurance, you too are covered!  I've seen roofs collapse from the weight of snow.

Had a break in the pipes while you were on vacation?  I've seen this happen to multiple home owners; and burst pipes are huge cause for concern. Burst pipes, left to their devices, can end up causing the house to be stripped to it's foundation from damage; if you happen to have an HO2, well, although you will be inconvenienced, it will pay to repair your home., and the contents. Find yourself stuck in snowmaggedon without electricity and your pipes freeze, which could cause huge problems, especially if you water pipes are in a slab.  In Oklahoma in February of 2011, they hit the lowest temperature ever recorded. The wet bulb temperature in some parts of the state was a negative 28 degrees Fahrenheit.  This will, without a doubt cause tremendous strain on pipes, and can cause them to freeze, and then burst.  Have that HO2 policy? Iit covers the home insurance insurance claim of burst water pipes due to freezing.  Now you may be thankful you have home insurance insurance with an HO2 ; it's not fun, and cleanup isn't pretty but having a policy that pays claims, that becomes a huge relief.
Lightning strikes to your house which cause electrical damage to your appliances may be covered.  Just bought the Jack Lalane deluxe juicer and had it plugged in and it took the hit and smoked like a Fourth of July firecracker?  Well it may be covered, but you might want to think about the deductible before you make a claim.  However if you lost your computer, the tv, phones, Xbox, the Wii, and everything else that was plugged in? You will probably want to call your agent and talk about filing a claim.  Remember, you can still be shocked during an electrical storm even when you are on the phone in your house; so be cautious! 
Have a radiator in your house? What about hydronic radiant floor heating?  Here a hissing sound and know you don't own snakes? Wonder what the puddle  of warmth you stepped in the hallway is and you don't have a dog?  You may have experienced  a rupture of your hot water heater or heating system.  This could turn out to be a really bad day; First things first, cut off the cold water supply, and the hot water supply if you have them to the leaking areas.  Secondly you'll want to mop up to alleviate as much damage as possible. Third you'll want to put a call into your home insurance insurance agent about filing a claim for the rupture of water heaters and heating systems.  Yes, if you have an HO2 you will be covered by this catastrophe or peril as well.

Trying to find out the best possible insurance that covers you in your time of need? You will want to get the best policy for the best price, get information and get coverage at

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